Our history
The Australian National Association of Teachers Singing (ANATS) was formed in 1988. Much has been achieved over those 3 decades, largely thanks to the dedication of many who have given generously of their time and expertise, enabling ANATS to provide quality professional development, advocacy and support to singers and singing teachers across the country.
Originally incorporated in NSW, ANATS started operating as a nationally registered company in 2014 and is now known as ANATS Ltd.
To view our 30-year history commemorative booklet, click here.
If you are a past member of ANATS with relevant information, photographs or items that you feel may be added to our historical archives, please contact us on secretary@anats.org.au
Founding Members
As taken from the minutes of a meeting held at Mitchell College of Advanced Education, Bathurst on Friday, January 15, 1988 re: The formation of an association of teachers of singing.
Janet Delpratt, Lyell Austen, Lois Bogg, Clifford Buck, Edna Buck, Jean Callaghan, Eric Clapham, Ruth Fritsch, Betty Fitzgerald, Rosemary Hudson, Helen Jones, Margaret Kozlowski, Jonathan Lewis, Maureen Lewis, Janice Light, Ronald Maconaghie, Olga Reeder, Janet Rutledge, Lorraine Smith-Mackay, Laurie Orchard, Ronald Dowd, Bob, Tasman-Smith, Margaret Flanagan, Claire Poole
Inaugural Members
Mary Louise Ambler, Max Aronsten, Margaret Atkins, Lyell Austin, Lois Bogg, Barbara Brangwin, Edna Buck, Jean Callaghan,Joanne Callinan, Eric Clapham, Paula Clarkstone, Janet Delpratt, Helen Earley, Robyn Edgar, Kay Edwards, June Errington, Susan Falk, John Ferris, Nancy Finch, Betty Fitzgerald, Ruth Fritsch, Angela Giblin, Janetta Haskell, Vivienne Haynes, Henry Howell, Rosemary Hudson, Helen Jones, Wesley George Jones, Sheila Knudsen, Margaret Kozlowski, Nicholas Larkin, Maureen Lewis, Johnathon Lewis, Janice Light, Judith Lindeman, Angela Luppino, Ronald Maconaghie, Bettine McCaughan, Diane McNaron-Collins, Louise Miller, Erica Mitchell, Joan Neil, Jennifer Newcomb, Virginia Niven, Laurie Orchard, Evelyn Probyn-Lee, Lesley Purvis, Janet Rutledge, Maree Ryan, Lorraine Smith, Robert Smith, Rosalind Sneddon, Robert Tasman-Smith, Elizabeth Todd, Gloria Ward, Neil Williams, Patricia D. White, Arete Zantiotis