Event: Do You Hear What I Hear?
The Neuroscience of Sound Processing for Singers: Pedagogical Implications and Solutions
When: 14th Nov, 2021. 11am-12pm (Qld time)
Where: Online
Cost: $20 for members ($45 non-members, $25 student non-members)
Tickets: trybooking.com/BUTRQ
Presenter: Heidi Moss Erickson
The teacher-student paradigm has remained unchanged for centuries: singers are trained in the studio based primarily on the auditory information received by the instructor. The vocal output can yield a wealth of information on technical efficiency, musicality, and health. Although visual cues regarding body posture, jaw position, tongue action, etc. can be informative, the successful read-out is primarily based on the sound produced. It is also known that auditory feedback is a fairly unreliable source of information for the singer themselves. Teachers often ask singers ‘“not to listen” and instead focus their attention onto kinesthetic signals to facilitate learning of motor tasks. Although auditory information is received by the singer, such attention can take them out of the moment and shift focus from the task at hand. This has been a handicap for singers, since truly ‘hearing’ oneself is not a reliable feedback mechanism, which is especially limiting when left alone to practice. Neuroscience of sound processing combined with acoustic knowledge about the voice has opened the door to a wealth of new possibilities to enhance the current landscape of a traditional voice lesson. Through an understanding of hearing, filtered listening, visual biofeedback, and other kinesthetic associations, the teacher and student now have a much bigger toolbox to extract strategies and conclusions. This talk will discuss the science behind these ideas as well as offer practical pedagogical tools to refine the idea of ‘listening’ to a voice.
Start Times:
QLD - 11.00am NSW/VIC/ACT/TAS - 12.00pm SA - 11:30am WA - 9.00am NT - 10:30am
