Get ready for the latest ANATS NSW event:
TOOLS & TECHNIQUES: NAVIGATING ADOLESCENT VOICE CHANGEA Workshop & Masterclass with Chris Allan & Wendy Rolls.
Sunday 17th March 2024 10.00am – 1.45pm
Adolescent voice change can be an uncomfortable and confusing times for both boys and girls. Every individual experience is different and helping your students navigate this stage can be challenging for singing teachers.Join ANATS NSW on Sunday 17th March for an informative workshop and masterclass with two of Australia's premier Young Voice Teachers, Chris Allan and Wendy Rolls. This workshop will be focused on voice change in both adolescent boys and girls and looking at ways to nurture young singers through this time of discovery and growth. As teachers we are constantly modifying our approach to ensure we teach the 'person in front of us'.
Chris & Wendy will discuss:
Stages of Vocal Development and Anatomical Changes
Postural Alignment
Vocal Discomfort and Breathiness
Principles of Learning
Setting Practice Routines for Good Vocal Habits,
Loss of Identity and Positive Affirmation
Repertoire Choices & Key Changes
We will finish the day with a masterclass where you will see Chris and Wendy work with both young male and female singers. You will experience first-hand the techniques, tools and exercises that can be used to help your student navigate this important stage in their singing development. There will be time for questions and discussion at the end of the session. You can join us live on the day and a post-event video will be available to view. The video will be released two weeks after the event and will be available to view for 4 weeks.
Meet your presenters:
Chris Allan is a Newcastle based singer and teacher. He has been teaching for many years, 22 of them at the University of Newcastle Conservatorium where he was Head of Voice and Senior Lecturer. His PhD studies (completed 2011) looked at the intersection of voice science with the vocal studio and the notion of developing a classical sound with young singers. Chris has presented on these and other aspects of vocal performance at conferences in Australia, England, and Singapore. Although he spent a great deal of time working with University-aged students, Chris has continued to teach pre-tertiary students including nurturing boys voices through the changes found during puberty. He is also an accomplished pianist and enjoys accompanying and is also a choral conductor. For the past 13 years has been directing the Newcastle University Choir. In 2022 he completed training as a Feldenkrais Practitioner which was born out of his abiding interest in how we use our bodies in pursuit of excellence.
Wendy Rolls enjoys working with singers of all ages as teacher, conductor, and performer. Her work is informed by a wide-ranging background with a Master of Music Studies in vocal pedagogy from Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, Bachelor of Veterinary Science (UQ, Bachelor of Education (QUT), and Australian Kodály Certificate. Wendy has worked with many young female singers as choristers and music students, including twelve years in a singing-based school music program, from early childhood to middle school. Wendy currently teaches singing at Brisbane Girls Grammar School and her private studio, as well as conducting an auditioned chamber choir for middle school girls, and completing her PhD study. Following her Masters’ thesis on the pedagogical needs of adolescent female singers, Wendy recognised the need for a clear and simple way to explain girls’ voice change. The subsequent pamphlets were well received by both teachers and students, and she was encouraged to explore this area more deeply. Wendy’s current PhD study involves one-to-one singing lessons with nine girls whilst tracking their vocal development and responses to changes they experience. She has presented at workshops and conferences on vocal pedagogy, vocal health, and musicianship for singers for ANATS, ANCA and Kodály Australia.
