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Victorian Chapter - President's Report March 2013


Greetings from the Victorian chapter

Happy New Year to you all and I hope 2013 will be good to you with continued joy in teaching and making music.

In Victoria we have had a marvellous start to 2013 with our ‘Kick Start the Year’ held 3rd March. The day included a buffet luncheon with networking sessions guided by Darren Wicks. Darren presented the results of his research into the ‘What makes a great singing teacher’. Entertainment was provided by Raphael Wong and Susannah Peterson accompanied by Russell Hodges who sang a bracket of ‘Art songs’.

For us this was a different style of day and the resulting comments were very positive. ‘The day was so relaxed and inviting to newcomers’ (we had four with us). ‘The timing of this event is just terrific as we have all given a few lessons at this stage of the year and today is renewing my enthusiasm for my teaching’ In April it will be our annual VCE day and in June ’ Performertunity’ which is much earlier this year. In the latter part of the year we are planning two really exciting events. In September a weekend seminar on Accent breathing with Ron Morris and sessions with Annie Strauch a performance physio. The event will also include Tai Chi classes with Simon Murray and the second in October an event focussing on improvisation for classical and jazz singers.

We are working solidly towards encouraging as any members as possible to come to the ICVT

In closing I think we have an exciting year ahead for our members

Constance Coward- Lemke


Photo, Left to Right:

Presenter Darren Wicks, singers Raphael Wong and Susannah Peterson with accompanist Russell Hodges and Chapter President, Constance Coward-Lemke

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