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Announcement for Members: Changes regarding Wireless Microphone Usage


NSW Updates: Changes affecting wireless microphone users at Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing Incorporated

We are writing to advise you about changes that will affect wireless microphones that may be used by your members and to seek your assistance in helping your members prepare for the changes. The changes are part of the Federal government’s work to clear specific radiofrequency spectrum (known as the ‘digital dividend’) so that it can be used to provide 4G mobile broadband services from 1 January 2015.

What is changing?

From 1 January 2015, spectrum located in the 694-820 megahertz (MHz) frequency range (the digital dividend) will be used solely to provide 4G mobile broadband services. It will be illegal to operate wireless microphones and other audio devices in that frequency range because they may cause or receive interference to and from the mobile broadband service.

Many community groups and businesses use wireless microphones for a range of purposes, including school assemblies, religious services, theatre and live music performances and sporting events. It is very likely that your members use wireless microphones and other audio devices on a day-to-day basis. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) wants to ensure that all community groups and businesses understand the change and know what they should do to prepare. The ACMA is strongly encouraging users to check their equipment and to start planning for the change now so that they know that their equipment will comply with the change by 1 January 2015.

How you can find information

We have made available a range of resources to make it as easy as possible for people to prepare for the changes. The resources include:

  • A wireless microphone hub—an online one-stop-shop for information on the changes

  • Fact sheets that provides for ‘plug and play’ users (such as community groups and businesses), professional users and suppliers of wireless microphones

  • Free, monthly e-bulletin that provides updates on the ACMA’s work on helping users prepare for the changes. You can subscribe to the e-bulletin via the wireless microphone hub.

The fact sheet provides useful information for users and provides links to additional helpful information. The ACMA would appreciate it if you could disseminate this fact sheet to your members to help ensure that they are prepared for the change. This may include publishing the fact sheet on your website or in your newsletter and making copies of the fact sheet available in your office.


Mark Arkell


Spectrum Planning & Engineering Branch Communications Infrastructure Division

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