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Tasmania Chapter Events in 2014



Do you have questions on how the UTAS College Programme course is structured, and what you need to do to help students excel in such? To be presented by UTAS course co-ordinators Frank Bansel and Brian West, this event is open to voice teachers and musicians who have students enrolled in the UTAS College Programme, or who may have in the future. At this ANATS/UTAS collaboration, you can also find out more about ANATS and our plans for the future here in Tasmania. THIS EVENT IS FREE OF CHARGE TO BOTH ANATS MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS. Sun 11 May, Afternoon, VENUE TBC MOTHERS’ DAY MOCK MUSIC THEATRE AUDITIONS Our panel of Craig Wellington, Producer, Robert Jarman, Director and Aaron Powell, Musical Director, will host mock music theatre auditions for aspiring singers, with observers welcome. Sun 29 June, 10am, 152 GOULBURN ST, WEST HOBART DR ROWENA COWLEY MASTERCLASS AND TEACHER PRESENTATION Rowena will give a 90 minute classical voice masterclass, followed by a 60 minute teacher presentation. 6 TEACHER FORUMS THROUGHOUT 2014 These will be informal gatherings mainly, at homes of teachers in the South and North of the State. Topics are being decided at this time. One of these will be a “Teaching Young Voices” discussion, following a “Performeratunity” for young singers. This will be held prior to the contemporary voice eisteddfod, which commences on 2 June. END OF YEAR PERFORMERATUNITY This event will give AMEB and tertiary exam candidates an opportunity to run material prior to exams, and to an audience. It will likely be held on the 18 or 19 October. NORTHERN TASMANIAN EVENTS Marilyn Smith and Jane Edwards are liaising with colleagues in the North and North West of the State to run masterclasses in those areas. 3 August is a possible date.

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