Sunday, October 19th 2014
1:30pm - 5:00pm
JMC Academy | 561 Harris Street, Sydney
The ANATS NSW committee presents an informative workshop filled with teaching tips, pedagogical methods, vocal development and repertoire advice specifically for teaching male and female children aged 8-14 years.
A must-do event for all teachers of young voice and for those of us who would like to start. Join us to gain up-to-date and relevant info that is sure to benefit your teaching practice and your young students!
Geoffrey Ashenden
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Daniel Novakovic
Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist
All registered participants will receive a Certificate of Interest & Attendance for collection at the event.
Pedagogical Approches for Different Ages
Managing Transitioning Male and Female Adolescent Voice
Lesson Planning
Aural Training
Practise Strategies: How To and How Much
Managing Parental Expectations
Setting up a Child Friendly Studio
Studio Policies that Support Children and Protect You
Age-appropriate Repertoire
Teaching Performance Skills
Encouraging Vocal Health
+ Teaching Demonstrations and more!