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QLD News - November 2014


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4 - 16 January 2015

Get in quick for this exciting professional pedagogical development opportunity for all singing teachers. Janice Chapman will be teaching as part of the Sound Thinking Summer School Music Program 2015 and ANATS QLD have negotiated a special deal!

The inclusion of special guest teacher Janice Chapman in the Summer School Summer Music Program provides a rare opportunity for professional development for teachers of singing. Recognised as one of the great teachers of singing at an international level, Ms Chapman has an outstanding reputation in the area of vocal pedagogy. Over the last 25 years, she has presented numerous masterclasses, workshops and lectures and is in constant demand as a clinician and consultant.

People who participate in this stream have the opportunity to observe 2 hours per day of lessons where Ms Chapman will work with a range of students. A 30 minute debrief/discussion will follow each of these daily sessions and at this time, Ms Chapman will explain finer points of vocal pedagogy as demonstrated in the lessons with the students. At this time, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification on particular teaching moments or issues as observed in the lessons.

Teachers of singing are invited to participate on a casual or full time basis. Full time includes 10 sessions (one session each day for 2 weeks - Monday to Friday). For those who cannot make the full 2 weeks, you can come on the days you are available and can choose as many days as you want. One session is $100 (early Bird) or $120, two or more sessions are $90 each (early Bird) or $110 and the full 10 sessions is $800 (Early Bird) or $900.

Early Bird Registrations have been extended to Monday 24 November for ANATS members so get in quick! Just let them know in an email that you are an ANATS member and would like the Early Bird price.


RESEARCH INTO VOCAL TECHNIQUES FOR MUSIC THEATRE Andrew Guy, currently undertaking postgraduate studies in Music Theatre (pedagogy and performance) at the Australian Institute of Music and Head of Voice at Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School seeks your assistance in his research.

He is currently trying to ascertain how access to information and training could be improved. Part of this involves surveying teachers who teach any Music Theatre repertoire. His current survey is based upon the 2003 and 2009 surveys undertaken by LoVetri and Weekly in the US, and he is hoping to make some comparative observations on the situation in Australia.

Please take the time to complete this survey and forward on to any relevant contacts. The survey is completely anonymous, and the results will only be used to make statistical observations and recommendations for improving access to information and training for teachers of Music Theatre repertoire.

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