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WA Chapter - Welcome to 2015!


Hello colleagues!

ANATS WA has started the year with a bang (and a stamp, and a singing circle!). On the 22nd March, ANATS WA in partnership with the AMEB held a workshop at WAAPA. It covered exam preparation for the AMEB syllabuses, and developing aural and sight singing skills. Our guest presenter, aural skills specialist Micheál McCarthy, took all the participants through an interactive, informative and highly entertaining workshop (hence the stamping and circle work!). The event saw many familiar Perth faces attending, but also some new ones, as well as teachers and students from as far afield as Rockingham and Geraldton.

The rest of the ANATS year is well in hand. Keep in mind that the WACE soiree will be held again on August 15th, and that the North of Perth Festival (held in September) always has a special recital section for students of WA ANATS members.

I hope you all consider a trip to Hobart in September for the ANATS National Conference. It is shaping up to be exciting; exploring Singing Futures in a Digital Age. Special areas of interest (young voice, music theatre, classical, contemporary, research) will have their own focus group events.

I hope your year goes smoothly, with many positive singing experiences along the way. WA has so much to offer!

Rebecca Watson

ANATS WA Chapter President

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