EVENTS in 2016!
The chapter committees have busily been preparing some exciting events for 2016, so make sure you mark these dates on your calendar!
This list will be continuously updated when more information becomes available.
We look forward to seeing you at one of these events soon!
The Accent Method: Outs and Ins with Dr. Ron Morris
WHEN: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April 2016
WHERE: Brindabella Christian College, 136 Brigalow St, Lyneham
TIME: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Singing Teaching: Back to Basics
WHEN: Sunday, March 13th 2016
WHERE: 2/134 Queens Rd, Canada Bay
TIME: 1:00pm - 4:30pm
The Emotive Music Theatre Voice
ANATS NSW Regional Workshop
WHEN: Sunday, 22nd May, 2016
WHERE: Catapult Dance Studio, Newcastle
TIME: 9:30am - 4:00pm
2-DAY SPECIAL EVENT with David Sisco - Broadway & Beyond
WHEN: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd July 2016
WHERE: JMC Academy, 561 Harris St, Sydney
TIME: 9:00am - 5:00pm both days
Learning From the Experts: Singing, Songwriting & Self-Publishing
with Clive Harrison & Jim Shipstone
WHEN: August (date TBC)
Cabaret Workshop
WHEN: Sunday 23rd October, 2016
Introducing AMEB Musical Theatre
WHEN: February 6th, 2016
WHERE: AMEB Studios, Brisbane
A Conversation with Jacqui Dark
WHEN: April 17th, 2016
WHERE: Brisbane
An interview and masterclass with the versatile opera singer Jacqui Dark. Jacqui has appeared as principal in many Opera Australia productions, starred in her own cabaret show and is currently performing as Mother Abbess in The Sound of Music.
Good Singing is Good Singing
WHEN: May 15th, 2016
WHERE: Sunshine Coast
Basic principles of good singing apply to all singers, regardless of style. This masterclass focuses on the elements of healthy, free and stylistic singing, with particular emphasis on crossover repertoire. Presented by Irene Bartlett and Geoff Ashenden.
Jazz Technical Workshop
WHEN: August 6th, 2016
WHERE: Brisbane Jazz Club
Presented in conjunction with the inaugural Brisbane Jazz Festival, this workshop will address the specific technical challenges associated with jazz singing. Presented by Irene Bartlett.
The Power of Emotion: Primal Sound in Contemporary Singing Styles
WHEN: September 16 - 18th, 2016
WHERE: QLD Conservatorium, Brisbane
Qld chapter’s major event for the year! This symposium addresses cutting edge research and good practice in contemporary singing, with international keynote speakers including Mark de-Lisser (vocal coach on BBC’s The Voice, singing teacher to Jesse J and author of ‘SING OUT!’ and ‘Inspire Your Choir’). Presentations will range from masterclasses to technical and style lectures, with options for individual lessons. Presented in conjunction with Qld Conservatorium of Music.
Keynote speaker: Susan-Ann Walker
WHEN: March 20th 2016
WHERE: Dimattina's on Lygon Street
WHEN: May 1st 2016
Performertunity (North)
WHEN: June 17th 2016
AGM/Methodologies Day/Speed Dating
WHEN: July 24th 2016
Performertunity (South)
WHEN: August 19th 2016
2-Day International Event
WHEN: October 1st - 2nd 2016
Christmas Dinner
WHEN: November 26th 2016
AMEB Musical Theatre Syllabus Launch
WHEN: Sunday 28th February, 2016
WHERE: UWA Claremont
Sing into Spring VI
WHEN: Saturday 27th August, 2016
ANATS WA Prize at the North of Perth Festival
WHEN: To be held in September
A Masterclass with Mary King
WHEN: Sunday 20th March, 2016
WHERE: WAAPA Music Auditorium
TIME: 2 - 4pm
May Mini-Conference
"PRISM: Performing Strategies, Preparation, Psychology & Learning"
WHEN: Sunday 22nd May, 2016
WHERE: WAAPA Music Auditorium
TIME: 10am - 4:30pm
WHEN: Saturday 16th April, 2016
WHERE: O'Leary Walker Wines, Main North Road, Leasingham (Clare Valley)
TOPIC: Android & Mac apps, digital and audio technology info for teachers & students
PRESENTERS: Pauline Garrard and Alistair Knight
Professional Development DAY #1
WHEN: Sunday 24th July, 2016
WHERE: North Adelaide Community Centre, 176 Tyne Street, North Adelaide
TOPIC: Professional training for the classical voice
PRESENTERS: Mario Bellanova & Giselle Blanchard - International opera singers
TIME: 9:30am - 5:00pm
WHEN: Sunday 28th August, 2016
WHERE: St John's Anglican Church, 379 Halifax Street, Adelaide
TOPIC: How to set up and run your own studio
PLUS: ANATS SA & NT Chapter AGM from 3:45pm - 5:00pm
TIME: 1:30 - 3:30pm
WHEN: Sunday 18th September, 2016
WHERE: Pulteney Grammar School, 190 South Terrace, Adelaide
TOPIC: SACE the Music! Year 12 vocal performance opportunity, with expert written evaluations provided.
TIME: 1:00 - 4:00pm
Professional Development Day #2
WHEN: Sunday 6th November, 2016
WHERE: North Adelaide Community Centre, 176 Tyne Street, North Adelaide
TOPIC: Body-mapping for singers & perceptual listening skills ("Do you hear what I hear?")
PRESENTER: Dr. Irene Bartlett
TIME: 9:30am - 5:00pm
To be confirmed.