SA/NT Chapter presents our final Professional Development Day for the year:
Let Your Body Sing,
and You Can Sing Most Anything!!
Body mapping, style, and you
Speaker: Dr Irene Bartlett
Morning Session – Body mapping for all singers
Body mapping has revolutionised the way singing teachers work with their students. Body-mapping is based on the Alexander Technique and is of great assistance in refining a singer’s alignment, breath and resonance. What student doesn’t need help with these basic elements of voice?
Afternoon Session- You can sing most anything!
In response to a request from some of our members, Irene will also offer an interactive session of developed critical listening where style elements will be discussed against a background of singing voice technique.
Dr Irene Bartlett is the best thing to come out of Queensland since pineapples. Her non-style specific “we build voices” philosophy offers a practical, simple and relevant pedagogical approach for singing teachers working in any genre.
Time: Sunday, 6th November, 2016, from 9:30am to 5:00pm
Venue: North Adelaide Community Centre
176 Tynte Street, North Adelaide
Any queries:
Nicola Hardie-Campbell Beveridge
Secretary, ANATS SA & NT Chapter
Ph: 0402 144 258 /
Email: anats.sa.nt@gmail.com