With sadness the ACT Chapter of ANATS notes the passing on October 23rd, of Phil Perman OAM, long- time member and supporter of ANATS.
Phil was an early member of the ACT Chapter; he assisted with the organising and running of the National Conference of ANATS which was held in 1993, but his greatest contribution came in the following years when he, along with Lois Bogg and others, set up the ACT Chapter of ANATS. Phil was the inaugural president whose understanding of procedure and meeting etiquette put the Chapter on a sound footing. This was helped in no small part by Phil’s sense of humour, a glass of wine and Phil’s favourite, a wee dram of single malt scotch! Phil could always be called upon to assist with setting up, putting away and any other task necessary for the smooth running of an event.
He was president for some years and on relinquishing that task, became firstly vice president and then devoted committee member until about 12 months ago when ill health prevented his regular attendance at meetings and events. In 2011 he received a chapter award for his services to ANATS ACT.
Not only was Phil a teacher with a large studio and a committed member of ANATS, he was a performer having sung and/or acted with probably every Arts group in Canberra! The list of committees on which he has served is also impressive; Art Song Canberra and the National Eisteddfod Society to name but two.
We shall miss Phil’s friendship, his wit and humour as well as his energy and endeavour. His memory shall live on in the hearts and minds of his many friends in the Canberra musical scene.

Left to right: Angela Giblin (officiating the ceremony) presenting Judith Bauer, Phil Perman and Norma Mackay with ACT chapter awards.