Australian Voice welcomes local and international Articles and Forum Contributions from all potential authors (such as researchers, teachers, practitioners and HDR students).
Submissions may be solo or co-authored.
The theme for the 2017 Special Issue is Singing!
We welcome contributions on:
The benefits of singing
The value of singing
The psychology of singing
Voice science
Vocal health
Singing teaching
Singing audiences
Classical singing
Contemporary singing
Musical theatre singing
Young voice
The history of singing
Choral singing
Community singing
Contexts of singing
To submit an abstract please email: anats.australianvoice@gmail.com
May 1, 2017 – 250 Word abstract for review
May 15, 2017 – Notification of abstract review
October 1, 2017 – Full articles/Forum contributions due
Submissions can be made to the Australian Voice editorial team on anats.australianvoice@gmail.com
Australian Voice is the journal of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing Limited (ANATS Ltd). Australian Voice considers all articles reporting original singing voice research and pedagogy, and welcomes articles (min. 3000 words) and forum contributions (max. 1500 words) on all aspects of singing practice. All submissions must follow the journal’s form and style guidelines (the template available on the ANATS website at www.anats.org.au) and include appropriate scholarly references (APA Style). Back and current issues of Australian Voice are available through the Informit database.