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SA/NT Chapter Events

SA/NT Chapter

G'day dear members and friends of ANATS,

Hot on the heels of our first event for the year, "SACE the Music" (Year 12 singing performance) which we held last Sunday at the Pulteney Grammar School Theatrette, comes our first full-day Professional Development Day.

It's in only four weeks' time, and it promises a wide variety of useful, practical information for singing teachers working in all genres, as well as a bonus of 7.5 lovely PD hours to add to your kitty. It's called:

Myers Briggs, Cabaret and You

Sunday, 2nd July 2017

Registration from 9:30am

Sessions 10:00am - 5:00pm

North Adelaide Community Centre

176 Tynte Street, North Adelaide


"Who's Who In the Student Zoo? Myers Briggs Personality Types and Its Application to Singing Teaching and Performance"

The first half of the day, presented by Fiona Vogel and Marsha Weston, is all about using Myers Briggs Personality Typing. You'll be amazed to find out how understanding each student's personality can assist the effectiveness of your teaching. Besides being well-qualified to explain this system, Marsha Weston is a singer and singing teacher of many years' experience, so she can show us how an understanding of this form of psychological measurement can be readily applied to singing teaching. Both theory and practical exercises will make these workshop sessions beneficial for everyone.


The Power of Cabaret

The afternoon session focuses on the wonderful world of Cabaret, presented by Kim Spargo as an interactive workshop. We are particularly delighted to be getting a preview of her presentation, which she will be giving at the International Congress of Voice Teachers, in Stockholm, Sweden (on Thursday 3rd August, at 11:15am).

The online Registration Form for this PD day event will be coming your way soon, but I'd like you to mark Sunday, 2nd July in your diary right now, and tell friends and colleagues about it too.

Looking forward to seeing you at these two events - it's always great to catch up with the wonderful array of singers and singing teachers we have here in SA & NT.

Keep warm and keep singing!


Pat Wilson

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