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28th Feb 2021 | ONLINE | Advanced Tools & Techniques


It has been a hard 12 months for all of us so we're delighted to be able to bring you some good news! Based on the success of our online webinars last year, ANATS NSW is pleased to announce that we will be bringing you the next in our Back to Basics series completely online! On February 28th, 2021 at 1pm, ADVANCED TOOLS & TECHNIQUES will shed light on some of the more difficult areas of modern singing teaching.

This event is only $20 for members and since it's online it can be attended from anywhere in Australia!

Event: Advanced Tools & Techniques

What: Shedding light on some of the more difficult areas of modern singing teaching

When: 28th Feb 2021, 1pm

Where: Online

Cost: $20 for members (non-members $75)

At the event you'll hear from some fantastic presenters:

Dr. Debra Phyland - Functional Vocal Anatomy

Not just an open and shut case - The source of our voice relies on integrity of structure and efficient functioning of the vocal folds but what makes them special and why are they so-named? This presentation will focus on the functional anatomy and physiology of the larynx and especially the vocal folds in relation to the glottic configurations and vibratory characteristics that correlated with vocal quality, loudness and pitch for singing. The perceptual and airflow correlates of different physiologic laryngeal postures will be discussed as well as differences in glottic efficiency, with style choices highlighted.

Penny Pettigrew - Expressive Vocal Techniques As a singer I’ve always strived for “perfect technique” but as a performer, or more specifically as a recording artist, I have found that delivering the perfect vocal tends to mean that I end up sacrificing an emotional connection to the song and my audience. In this session I will go into expressive vocal techniques that I use strategically to enhance my performance, how they can be used effectively and discuss the difference between an expressive technique and a bad habit.

A/Prof Diane Hughes - Resonance Strategies

This presentation will discuss one of the most elusive areas of the singing voice – resonance. Topics will include sound, the sound spectrum and harmonic series, and formants. We will look at how resonance in singing is achieved in terms of anatomical/physiological function, and visualise ‘resultant’ and resonant sounds. The aim of the discussion is to focus attention on ways to approach resonance in singing across styles.

You can book your tickets here or for further information please see the brochure below.


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