Professor Janet Elizabeth Delpratt
AM, BSc, MDipMus, Doctor of the University
19 March 1935 – 22 June 2023
ANATS is poorer for the loss of Jan Delpratt, a driving force behind the creation of our organisation. Together with Janice Light she made the first steps towards establishing ANATS as an entity. Her performing and teaching careers encompassed many platforms; here we look back on her contribution to the world of ANATS. The words that follow have been written by two of the many fellow voice professionals and friends that knew Jan best, Adele Nisbet and Margaret Schindler.
In recognition of her dedication, Jan was awarded an ANATS National Certificate of Recognition in August 2006, and Honorary Life Membership in October 2010. On both of these occasions, Adele Nisbet gave the citations, which are reproduced here.
National Certificate of Recognition:
To Professor Janet Delpratt
In recognition of four decades of leadership in the profession of vocal performance and teaching in Australia and for her unique and invaluable contribution, as a founding member, to the character and mission of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing.
The formation and growth of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing owes a great deal to Janet Delpratt. The art of vocal performance in Australia has also been significantly influenced by her teaching and mentoring. She has brought inspiration, exploration and commitment to four decades of performing and teaching. As a result, the opera and concert stages of Australia and beyond have been graced by so many singers who have come under her influence. As Head of the Vocal program at the Queensland Conservatorium, not only did she inspire the best singing from her students, but led a new generation of teachers by example, as she explored and incorporated the new information coming from voice science and pedagogy.
Her attendance as the only Australian delegate at the First International Congress of Voice Teachers in Strasbourg in 1985 was the germination of the idea which finally gave birth to the Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of Singing in 1988. From its inaugural conference in Melbourne that year, Jan served on the National Council as a Queensland representative, bringing both thoughtful and witty commentary to the council discussions, in particular smoothing the eventual separation of ANATS from its sister organisation NEWZATS. Jan filled the role of President of the Queensland Chapter of ANATS for nine years, finally stepping down in order to step up to the National Presidency, which she held from 1997 until 2003. Her broad and international understanding of voice and the singing teaching profession brought a unique wisdom to the work of ANATS. We recognise the passion for excellence in vocal performance and teaching that has fuelled Jan’s commitment to professional ideals of learning and sharing knowledge. It is with profound gratitude that we present this award to her in recognition of a unique and valued contribution to the character and mission of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing.
Honorary Life Membership:
Awarding Life Membership of ANATS seems an incredibly appropriate way to honour someone whose whole life has been in support of the art of singing and the science and methodology of voice teaching.
Professor Janet Delpratt - or Jan, as she is known to most of us – has put her stamp on the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing by the way she has inspired, guided, mentored and encouraged the formation and growth of this organisation.
In 2013, and I hope I have my calculations correct, we will be celebrating ANATS 25th Birthday. Which means that it was more than a quarter of a century ago in your lifetime, Jan, that you attended Strasbourg for the first ICVT, out of which came the kernel of an idea which grew into ANATS as we know it today. What a coincidence that in 2013 Australia will be hosting the 8th ICVT here in Brisbane.
A couple of National Conferences ago, your role with ANATS was recognised formally with the award of a National Certificate. However, this evening, with the award of Life Membership of ANATS – I believe that means you stay on the membership list without having to pay the fee ever again - we assure you of the esteem and high regard in which you will always be held and offer our collective gratitude for the role you played in the establishment of this immensely valuable organisation.
Congratulations – and thank you!
More recently, Margaret Schindler, who holds the Head of Voice role established by Jan, announced Jan’s passing to the Queensland and wider singing community.
A message from Margaret Schindler
Associate Professor / Head of Vocal Studies, Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University:
It is with profound sadness that I advise of the passing of Prof Jan Delpratt.
Jan, 88, passed peacefully, surrounded by close family members, at Coorparoo Aged Care, where she had been living for the past couple of years.
It's impossible to articulate all that Jan meant to us, to the Con and to all who knew her. She was a towering musical presence in my own life, from the age of 17 and I know there are countless others who also started their musical journeys under her guidance. As a longstanding head of department, she modelled a style of leadership that was unwavering in its commitment to student excellence and service to the institution. It was our privilege to know Jan throughout her rich, diverse professional life both within the Con and in the wider community; her decades of service to AMEB, her membership of Zonta, and her support for Women's College at UQ. Perhaps one of her most outstanding contributions to the professional voice community was in the formation of ANATS - an organisation which continues to promote best practice vocal pedagogy and professional development of voice teachers in this country.
Much loved by us all, Jan will be deeply missed. Fortunately, we all have lots of happy stories and memories of time spent with Jan.